What is the Best Programming Language for Me? 10 Questions to Help You Decide



While not a topic often mentioned in web development articles, the best programming language for me isn't actually a top priority for web developers, anymore. Gone are the days where picking one programming language was a defining career moment, where a wrong choice would mark a career end. But picking the right language for a specific task is still a top priority for a web developer. Why? To quote Linus Torvalds: "When I started using Linux, the vast majority of Linux users were new to computers, and didn't know anything. They had the idea that 'man pages are just for nerds' so they wouldn't look for help. Linux was the opposite of easy, because it was hard. It had hundreds of commands and options and ways of doing things that nobody had thought of. You had to learn those...

What types of jobs do you want to apply for?

What skills do you want to acquire? What programming languages do you think are the best for solving real problems? When you answer these questions, and try to figure out what you want to do, it becomes clear that you need a programming language that is known to solve real-world problems: for example, a language that is used by a well-respected company, like Google or Amazon, or even a language that you may use at home on a homemade site. The question I want to ask you now is: What language do you use on a daily basis at home? What I’m going to say will make you feel guilty and feel like an idiot. You probably use a language at home. Doesn’t everyone? I’m sure some of your relatives use English and they will give you lots of grief.

How much time can you dedicate to learning the language?

How much complexity do you need? How long will you be on that language? Is it relatively easy to get along with your current team? Which features are required? How much Python will you need to know? How much Ruby? What are the differences in the learning process for different languages? Is there a cross-language solution (e.g. Scratch) that is more accessible than the traditional language learning path? The same question can be asked about other skills. I often hear people say they don’t like math, but like visual arts or performing arts. Most visual artists enjoy coding, or learning to code is not so much an issue for them. The same can be said for a musician who enjoys coding in the same way I enjoy coding in Java, or C++, or Python.

How much money are you willing to spend on the language?

How much flexibility will you have in the language? How will you adapt the toolchain? How will the team collaborate and make decisions? What benefits does your team/students/project give to the world? How many hackers does your company have? Your business. How much knowledge do you have of your chosen language? Are you a generalist? Can you write legibly and numerically? Can you read and understand professional documentation? Can you deal with refactoring and rename existing code? Can you upgrade code without it breaking? Can you pass code reviews? How well do you edit? Can you adapt existing code? Will you care if what you write is not 100% correct? Do you read the basics and explore new areas? What are your thoughts on program portability?

Do you have any programming experience at all?

In general, do you know enough to work through the process of choosing a new programming language to learn? If the answer to all those questions is yes, you are at the right place! You’re about to discover a host of programming language programs and resources that can help you prepare yourself for your next programming adventure. 1. Build Your Language Education Bucket List No matter how much experience you have, you’re still going to face the challenges of learning a new programming language, and you need to have an agenda to make sure you overcome them. Your language education bucket list is the list of things you need to learn in order to get through the language learning process successfully. This will help you prioritize what languages to focus on and how to study them.

What is your level of comfort with computer systems and technology in general?

Do you have experience in working with software development? Are you comfortable with the languages that are currently available for modern development? Is there one particular programming language that you have always loved or one particular language that you always wished existed? These questions have been formulated from the experiences of many people like you. Given these observations, here is a list of the best programming languages according to experts. 1. C This language was developed by Unix creator Ken Thompson. Its system requirements are quite low. It can run on a computer with a minimal amount of memory. Since it uses only 64-bit integers, C can be used for building applications for some platforms that have 128-bit integers, such as Mac OS X.

What operating systems are you familiar with?

What's your favorite IDE? What language do you prefer to program in? What do you do with the code you write? If you're reading this article, chances are that at some point in your life you've considered using a different programming language. You may have even already chosen a different one. But did you know that there are, literally, thousands of different programming languages out there? The number itself is almost meaningless, but you probably know it's more than you can count. So in this article we're going to take a look at the different programming languages you can choose from. So what is the best programming language? That depends entirely on you. Everyone's tastes in programming languages are unique, so there's no clear answer.


At the end of this post you will know the right language for your programming projects. The biggest mistake most developers make is deciding their language based on looks or marketing alone. At the end of the day, it’s all about you and your project. Question #1: Do you have a framework or 3rd party tool that is very popular? The number one reason most developers don’t like to choose their programming language is because of its technical implementation. It can take quite some time to setup a complete development environment in a new language and these types of setup are often very difficult to maintain. This is especially true if you are a Linux developer. So what is the solution? You can just use whatever framework your company uses or something that is widely available.

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